Much has been written about one of the newest audiophile classics, so we’ll keep it short.

Jim Laurel, from the Muxia Music label, traveled to Cuba to capture this group of songs, from Trio Pablabras, accompanied by some of Cubas finest players. They overcame tremendous odds, between dealing with the Cuban government, finding power, and the right space to set up a mobile 16-track environment. All of the tunes on this record were captured live. Three takes were done of each song, with the team picking the best for final LP transfer.

It’s rare in the 21st century to get a glimpse of music produced and captured with this level of purity. Those with average vinyl setups will be impressed, while those with more advanced playback systems will be stunned at how well Laurel and his team have made this wonderful music come alive. If the sonic space created by this record doesn’t make you feel like you’ve been transported to a room full of musicians in Cuba, playing their souls, check your pulse.

It’s even more rare when you hear music produced with such exquisite care, that is lovely enough that you will want to hear over and over. That is the true success of Trio Palabras Lo Que Dice Mi Cantar. Click here to get your copy.